Nature is where we come from. When we create a new world, Nature should be the most important factor in its creation and it’s this Oneness we want to achieve. This simple philosophy provides the environmental background and setting for our intellectual, cultural and spiritual mission.

In cooperation with local environmental experts we are developing a Forest Management Plan which will help to transform a great part of the Boomland into a Nature Reserve. In the nurturing of this area we are actively taking responsibility to limit the spread of invasive and non-endemic plant species which threaten the land. This offers us a golden opportunity to deepen environmental knowledge and gain further experience to share with others.

Please read our comprehensive list of goals and actions for each one of them.


Following a Forest Management Plan that was developed in cooperation with local environment experts we want to turn a great part of Boomland into a nature reserve.

By nurturing this area and taking active responsibility where needed, for instance controlling the spread of invasive, non-endemic plant species, we have the opportunity to gain environmental knowledge and experience.


  • Improvement the settlement of holm oak forests, ensuring its rejuvenation in order to promote its recovery and to safeguard the forest ambience, ensuring their continuation in a long term scenario;
  • Improvement of phytosanitary conditions; the implementation of preventive silviculture techniques to lessen the risk of forest fires and the spread of pests and diseases;
  • Better soil conditions, ensuring that the reforestation contributes to the goals of not only combating desertification and good management of water resources, but also mitigation of climate change. It is a priority to adopt practices that interfere as little as possible on ecosystems.
  • Biodiversity enhancement through reforestation with native species or positive integration in the ecosystem.


  • Signaling the natural regeneration of holm oak and other species of interest (cork oak, Pyrenean oak, hawthorn, Arbutus bushes, for example) for preservation;
  • Pruning/growing training of young trees;
  • Selective control of weeds in bush cover promoting areas of discontinuity and shrub grants primarily in the areas of greatest slope;
  • Sanitary stamping out, phytosanitary pruning and maintenance including the treatment of residual waste;
  • Biological Fertilisation maintenance;
  • Improvement of the tertiary network defence against forest fires;
  • Soil analysis for the screening of Phytophthora (water molds).


They include areas currently planted with eucalyptus and uncultivated areas that gather conditions for the development of agriculture and include the necessary infrastructure to support it.


  • investment in the production of one or more traditional agricultural products and / or production of distinct and innovative products.


  • Reconversion of the eucalyptus forests;
  • Soil analysis and crop selection from the following scenarios:
  • Orchard installation and olive groves;
  • Production of berries, edible flowers and / or teas;
  • Production of oils and essences;
  • Production of spices.
  • Existing rural building (and outdoor space) recovery;
  • Improvement of the pond and irrigation system;
  • Acquisition of agricultural machinery.


Integrate habitat corridors adjacent to water lines and areas with specific characteristics that require intervention aiming to implement actions leading to the recovery or conservation of habitats.


  • Recovery and enhancement of wetlands, shore and river systems;
  • Enhancement of the land through the installation of native species and integration in the ecosystem;
  • Promotion of feeding and shelter areas for wildlife.


  • Installation of habitat-associated vegetation;
  • Pyrenean oak and native species installment or integration in the ecosystem;
  • Installation of crops for wildlife along the roads, firebreaks and water lines;
  • Restoration of stone walls and construction with wooden logs of refuge areas.


Included are areas of heathland with occasional trees in mild topographical situations that border most of Idanha’s reservoir and occasionally extend to the valley areas nearby.


  • Promote the grazing activity on the property as a way to use existing rangelands, promotion and foment of traditional activities in the region and, simultaneously, control of the vegetal mass that works as fuel for forest fires;
  • Given the specifications of the terrain. implementing the choice of cattle sheep since it allows:
    • Increased header over longer periods;
    • Lower forage mass;
    • Lower plant growth in height (3-6 cm);
    • Causes less trampling.


  • Implementation of improved pastures in September / October, before the emergence of natural species (during the rainy season) with minimal soil mobilisation. It will be possible to opt for direct sowing when soils are not stony, the slope is less than 5% and the density of the stands allows a good operability of the seed dispenser, as is the case;
  • Grazing in continuous mode (instead of rotating per plot) to avoid compaction by trampling, specially in shallow soils or in areas subject to flooding;
  • Indicated sheep amount is in the order of 4.5 ewes / ha.